Saturday, 27 March 2010

Lazy blogs

I am currently engrossed in my magazine Brikolage right now so my blogs have been lazy and boring. I don't know when I will be able to get back to interestings things again (if I was ever there I am not so sure), but until then check out a video from the lovely Banana Sessions. It's a Prodigy medley which I very much enjoyed.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Check out my new magazine - it is amazing! (if I do say so myself)


We need contributors for our next issue: Adolescence if you're interested in getting creative post a comment or check out our facebook page which is in place of our website for the moment!!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

A freckle faced red head girl...

Last week I dyed my hair dark red. I have been obsessing over the idea of having red hair for quite a while; suddenly noticing natural red heads on the street and oozing jealousy over their burning locks.

I can't get the light reddish blond look without bleaching and it wouldn't look natural anyway, so I have been forced into the dark reddish orange look - but I love it!

I tried henna first. And boy is that time consuming. 20 minutes preparation, 4 hours on the head...for a slight hint at red hair! It looked great on the bottom where my hair becomes lighter due to bleaching long ago and not having had a hair cut in WAY too long, but everywhere else you could barely notice. Nice, but not nice enough.

So I had to return to the unnatural, "evil" but effective chemist bought hair dye. Still, my hair is now and orange hinted deep red and (despite slight fading at the ends - curse you bleach!!) it looks perfect. I love it.

Which is just as well as I will never be a natural red head. So know when I look on in envy at those gorgeous gingers at least I will be comforted by the flash of red in my reflection on the shop window...