I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that I am not going to be a regular blogger. I tried (sort of) and failed. I get too caught up with life outside the computer! Or Twitter...that evil thing is just so EASY! Why do I find (especially as I am a writer) that constructing something more than 140 characters is difficult? Actually, that's not even true, sometimes I find a Tweet difficult. I think it's because I'm stubborn and when I am told "you must write" I'm like NO! Like a small, fat, greasy child I sit in the corner and say NO. I will not write, just because I should.
SO, my logic is, maybe I will write if I tell myself I don't have to. We'll see. 6 months later and my next blog will confirm otherwise.
So my quarterly magazine Brikolage has been going very well! Check it out
here It's quarterly and comes out with the seasons. Also, each year is themed, so each issue within that is a sub theme. Brikolage is in it's first year and the theme is Age. Spring had Childhood, summer had Adolescence and autumn had Adulthood. We're currently working on Old Age which is very exciting and I'm actually looking for a musician to be our featured artist for this issue if anyone has any ideas.
Next year the theme will be Shapes and I have managed to gather a small, dependable team which will allow me time to explore the possibilities of how I can develop the concept. You see, Brikolage is designed to inspire young people to be creative. This inspiration for creativity (and a bunch of other top secret ideas) has the potential to become something really successful and I just need to take the time to get some funding to help me develop these ideas. So that's my plan for late 2010/early 2011.
In other news I have written my first screenplay - a 10 minute educational thing about
James Hutton - the godfather of Geology. It's an Alice in Wonderland style whirlwind trip of a young girl and her dog finding herself in a land of animation and music as the singing rock chorus fill her in on the history of Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh and James Hutton in the time of the Scottish Enlightenment. It will be awesome trust me!!
In less interesting news I am incredibly poor, saving to A learn to drive and B move to Vancouver for a year. So my love of fashion is currently being acted out from a safe distance. If I get too close who knows what could happen? It will be dangerous. Although I couldn't help myself from falling in love with these boots!! They fold over to reveal a nice sheepy skin goodness. Oh my! I. Want. Them.

Oh dear I've turned into a small, fat, greasy child again....