Sunday, 28 February 2010

Baby it's cold outside...

Just on the train back from London after performing a short cabaret piece at the Little Angel Theatre in Angel (durr). That was so much fun!

We stayed with a friend and organiser of the Puppet Grinder Cabaret of which we were a part of. She lived in a warehouse accommodating approximately 20 people in Manor House in London. Apparently, warehouses are "ware" it's at ho ho. Sorry, that was a poor pun. It's true though, they are the cool place to be. And mostly in a temperature way as well as in a hip and happening way, but in this instance our tiny box room was boiling hot.

In the two days we were in London we walked around Angel. A lot. And I drooled over the gorgeous vintage shops on Camden Lane (I think...) especially the one with the eccentric gowns in the window display. Unfortunately, the cabaret piece is with two boys, one being my brother and the other being his gassy friend, who don't particularly take to shopping. So they dragged me around searching for an internet cafe, but refused to go anywhere that looked nice as it would make them feel scummy. So I suffered bad cake, no shopping and plenty of card playing. Though, to be honest, I really enjoy the card playing even when it is at the expense of The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins which I am enjoying tremendously.

Then, we performed, ate pizza and squeezed into the Kings Head Theatre for a pint and lots of drunken dancers wiggling their bums in our faces. Nothing like feeling about two foot high as you sit on a precarious wooden chair round a tiny table in the middle of a crammed pub run by bar staff who are so cool they don't do any work, they just chat chat chat. Saying that though, it was quite fun.

Yesterday we dashed to Cambridge for lunch with our cousin, which felt incredibly extravagant! Then we ran back, got changed into silly costumes and went to our aunt's for a murder mystery party. The ones where they have tapes between courses that sum up the plot so far. However, we experienced some technical difficulties when my aunt's husband played the last part of the tape accidentally revealing who the murderer was before we'd even started!

So of course we played on! And in fact, it gave us a classic comedy moment that couldn't have been carried out if you tried!!

Lots of wine and Cappavine (£3 red wine/ coffee combo from Lidl) was drunk and I am sleepily typing this on the train home.

By the way, I think I've forgotten what warm is...

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Just a tribute

It seems wrong for a fashion blog not to post up an immediate commemoration for the late Alexander McQueen, but in all honesty when I heard about it my first reaction was not "Oh my god I need to blog about this" and as I'm not a day to day (as much as I try and fail) I will only mention it now I have finally plonked myself down in front of my computer. And because I must.
I must because not only was he one of the world's favourite designers, he was one of my favourite designers. I don't often blog about designers as I often can't relate to fashion as it's seen on the catwalk. I try so hard to be a fashionista, but most of the time if I'm looking at fashion forward blogs or runway pictures I am pretending to like it when in actual fact I am thinking "that looks rubbish I would never wear that." Not the most intellectual thought there, but an honest one at least.

Alexander McQueen is one of the few designers I have blogged and thought about that I genuinly love. I read an interesting article somewhere (foolishly can't remember, but it was most likely the Guardian) which glanced over the question of whether his label will continue without the distinct vision of its creator? Who knows. If it doesn't though, there will be a lot to remember him by.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Objects tell a story...

Added to my busy schedule this week is a short masterclass with Joy Haynes about Stories and Objects. It's at the Traverse in Edinburgh as part of Manipulate Festival.

Every night there is also a show, which I unfortunately missed yesterday, but I am going to see tonight's performance and I am going to be IN tomorrow night's performance! So that will be fun.

I am having much fun playing around with paper and lights and other bits of crap that are lying around and making them alive! However I am also exhausted and brain dead.

I promise more interesting stuff will come out of my head and on to the keyboard soon!