Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Wrapped up in Edinburgh

There's nothing better when I'm feeling ill than sitting at my parents, drinking tea, eating my mum's homemade ginger cookies and watching 'Friends' re-runs. Yes, I've watched the-one-where-Ross-is-sad-Phoebe-is kooky-Rachel-is-ditsy-Joey-gets-jam-all-over-himself-Monica-and-Chandler-squeal-in-high-pitched-irritating-voices-at each-other over and over again, but there is something incredibly comforting about it whilst lying on my parents' red cushioned sofa, wrapped in an Indian shawl. And illness certainly makes me feel the cold more. All I want is for my head to be a tiny dot sticking out the top of layers and layers of warm fabrics. Like a more fashionable version of a duvet day. So it was nice to pick up The Herald Saturday Magazine and see the shoot I had styled for it.

The Herald Magazine
20 Sep 2008

I was so excited about it coming out and when I saw Kate's [model] face on the top of the front page I eagerly pulled out the magazine to see how the shots came out. It's not the most exciting theme creatively, although it could be made more interesting, but considering I picked up 5 outfits in about 45 mins I was pretty pleased with myself. Until I spotted the credits at the end of course in which, under 'Stylist's assistant's' I see the name; Rebecca Macintyre. Rebecca? I was gutted. I sulked for a few minutes before deciding that, hey, I had not even expected to do anything at all exciting in the first place, secondly I am still credited, Rebecca is still me, and it is the first ever shoot I have worked on (which required a lot of blagging) and I bloody well pulled it off. So there. And, to top it all off I was praised by Kelly and had the best experience working with everyone on that shoot. Kelly, who I might blame for giving me this damn cold...was amazing and when I told her about the incorrect name she was so apologetic. However, it is fine, because the next shoot I do I will be credited with the right name!

I have also contacted the Eva Arrighi from the Sunday Herald so hopefully there will be even more interesting Scottish fashion moments to come. Oh, and if you're around a student union or anywhere student hang out check out the Shopping section in the Skinny Student Guide to see what I have to say about some great Edinburgh shops...

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