As the cold Wintry weather is upon us (although it was in fact middle Autumn yesterday) I am trying to put colour back in to my wardrobe. This is more difficult that I thought it would be as for the length of time that I had brightly coloured hair I tended to wear monochrome and let my hair to do the shouting. Plus, I do love monochrome. Although I still have a touch of pink in my hair, most of it is dark brown and I must have colour to prevent me feel shrunken by the doom and gloom weather. So I rebelled with the orange skirt (note: must get photos of this wonder up). But, it's not only my clothes, the same goes for my make-up.
Roughly two years ago I experimented wildly with various colours; mixing and blending to some pretty good effects. I don't wear make-up anywhere on my face apart from my eyes and I started with the fiddly liquid eyeliner when I was 14, so have had almost 10 years of practice. My influences have always been dramatic and alternative; always copying the catwalk make-up as opposed to the toned down street version. However, in the past couple of years I have become lazier. I would still do dramatic eye make-up, but usually only for a night out and stick with a simple black across the top
Not the most detailed and perfect finish, but it certainly brightened up the day.
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