Saturday, 14 February 2009

Be My Kitsch Valentine

Happy Valentine's day everyone! A day which the cynics among us (i.e. most of us) will brand as a day invented by greetings care companies. Yet it is still a day which takes over the streets with pink and red love hearts, teddy bears and other cute and cuddly creatures. Every restaurant is booked out with tables for two. Every bar is full of groups declaring that they are "young, free and single and proud of it"

I am torn between my distaste for Valentine's Day and the inability to shake off the inevitable effect it has on me. Although I tell my loved one I do not care if we do anything (we are in fact both working in the same bar together tonight anyway which provides us with limited romantic options) I know I would be disappointed if I did not receive anything even if it was a flower stolen from someones garden or a heart shaped lollipop bought in Spar for 50p. Whatever. I don't care. Don't get me anything. Don't do anything. It's a stupid holiday. I'm not bothered. Much.

I on the other hand have done nothing. My plan for the end of our shift has collapsed as I am waiting for my cheque to clear. However I will improvise. I have a selection of heart shaped ginger bread cookies with a tube of soft icing, sugar hearts and pink sugar bought from Asda. "Love Art" as they are aptly named. Decorate one for him and that is my idea of a perfect Valentine's gift.

I concluded that what I love about Valentine's is the kitsch tack that surrounds it. Within a sort of bizarre reason I love the pink cutesy vomit inducing confectionery and the fluffy cards which leave feathers drifting up your nostrils. I also like the American influenced tradition given to me by my mum of Valentine's not being exclusively for partners, but for friends and family; those of us who we love. In fact, I have spent my previous Valentine's, whether with or without partner, giving cards to friends. The other day I bought my friend Laura a pink and white cupcake from Greggs which came with a pink and sparkly ring. Tasty and fashionable.

So whether you are ignoring it, celebrating it or did not even know it was on until I went on about it: have a good night!!

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day.

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