I am torn between my distaste for Valentine's Day and the inability to shake off the inevitable effect it has on me. Although I tell my loved one I do not care if we do anything (we are in fact both working in the same bar together tonight anyway which provides us with limited romantic options) I know I would be disappointed if I did not receive anything even if it was a flower stolen from someones garden or a heart shaped lollipop bought in Spar for 50p. Whatever. I don't care. Don't get me anything. Don't do anything. It's a stupid holiday. I'm not bothered. Much.
I on the other hand have done nothing. My plan for the end of our shift has collapsed as I am waiting for my cheque to clear. However I will improvise. I have a selection of heart shaped ginger bread cookies with a tube of soft icing, sugar hearts and pink sugar bought from Asda. "Love Art" as they are aptly named. Decorate one for him and that is my idea of a perfect Valentine's gift.
I concluded that what I love about Valentine's is the kitsch tack that surrounds it. Within a sort of bizarre reason I love the pink cutesy vomit inducing confectionery and the fluffy cards which leave feathers drifting up your nostrils. I also like the American influenced tradition given to me by my mum of Valentine's not being exclusively for partners, but for friends and family; those of us who we love. In fact, I have spent my previous Valentine's, whether with or without partner, giving cards to friends. The other day I bought my friend Laura a pink and white cupcake from Greggs which came with a pink and sparkly ring. Tasty and fashionable.
So whether you are ignoring it, celebrating it or did not even know it was on until I went on about it: have a good night!!
Oh and Happy Valentine's Day.

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