I have been desperately lacking in new music. My finances tend to go on food and clothes, and recently shoes, resulting in my constant complaints of not having anything new in my CD collection. However, I have been slowly getting myself together in a delayed acceptance to the new year and last week I purchased some new and old CDs online.
Of Montreal's new album, Skeletal Lamping, was a necessary purchase in advance of their gig at the Oran Mor on the 26th January. Photos of this spectacular gig will follow shortly. After downloading a few singles of which I immediately fell in love with I was admittedly a tad disappointed with the rest of the album; quintissential bizarre Of Montreal madness. The Twilight Sad's newest album Fourteen Autumns and Fifiteen Winters is absoultely beautiful music and being from Glasgow was a purchase I wass keen to make and have in no way been disappointed.
However, the album I am currently most loving is Santogold's debut album. Electro-urban-pop clash of unstoppable dance tunes.
The right here right now of music is SantoG-O-L-D.
My Birthday, and My Friend Nadine
2 months ago
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